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small dog overprotective with wife

18 17:49:47

We just got a small Maltese mix and he has bonded with my wife but when he is with her and I walk into the room he growls and barks to keep me away.  He also barks and growls at strangers an walks etc. He is three years old.  How can we change this behavior or is it possible at this age.  Thanks

Hi Bill:

It sounds as if your dog has taken ownership of your wife.  This usually occurs when a dog sees it's self as pack leader (the Boss).

Both yourself and your wife need to up the your levels of leadership.  This can most easily be done by participating in obedience classes.  To attain the right skills in handlership and understand how dogs communicate.

Your Wife also needs to step it up and correct the dog firmly and calmly when he displays this behaviour.

This is fixable with a dog aged 3 years.

Additionally if your dog is not neutered, neutering will diminish his physical and emotional need to be the alpha male.  Neutering will also reduce risks associated with intact males over the age of 2yrs for Cancers of the testees, colon, bowl, stomach.  Neutering is not an instant fix as the hormone levels can take upto 4/5 months to diminish.