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I have taken on an 11 Month Bichon Frise

19 8:58:00

Hi, you gave me a wonderful answer to help my Bichon Henri, the other
problem he has are he has terrible abandonment issues, because he was left
at home by himself for very long periods of time by his previous owner, if I
go out of his sight he starts barking and yelping and leaping up and down as
though his world is going to end, even if I go for just a second. If I go from
one room to another he follows closely, he seems to have an incredible need
to have me in his sight at ALL times. When laid down he always lies close.
How can I reassure him that I will return without him deafening the
neighbours as I live in a 1st floor apartment?

Many Thanks

I am glad the last post has helped Henri. I am sure Henri is a bit insecure from the transaction to your new home. Please try to get Henri and yourself enrolled into some basic group obedience classes. I feel this will help you and Henri bond a bit better so he feels more secure plus it gets him to socialize with other dogs and people. It will be fun for both of you! The goal is to teach Henri what is proper behavior in terms of his barking. For as him following closely, just give him time to adjust, maybe getting him some new things like a special toy to occupy his time with when you are away.
This website has some helpful tips to help you help Henri get past this.
