Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > peeing/marking??


19 8:58:23

Two weeks ago I brought home a seven week old female Vizsla, Sasha.  So far she has been fantastic about everything.  She knows her name, will come (90%) when called, can sit, go down, and, almost, walk on a loose leash. Housetraing is going fine as well.  My problem is she continually pees on her blankets, pillows, etc.  She will not eliminate in her crate.  I believe she is marking, but how can I stop her?  She is difficult to catch in the act as it happens out of nowhere and quick, too.  We have hardwood flooring and tile, which she will not pee on.  Sasha is a wonderful smart little dog, but this one has me stumped??

Thank you

She isn't marking at that age.  I suspect that she learned to pee on that particular substrate at the breeder's home in the whelping box.  Or, she was transported on blankets and had to use them to pee.  Try not giving her any blankets, etc.  Or, don't leave her alone with them unless you are right there watching her.  Then, you can at least gently interrupt her and redirect her outdoors.  Add an enzymatic cleaner to the wash when you clean the blankets (Petastic is the best one I've found).