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Rescue Golden Anxiety

19 9:05:46

Hi.  I adopted an adult Golden mix from the humane society in early December 2006.  She seemed to be very well trained.  She could sit and lay down by command and could shake hands.  Someone obviously trained her at some point.  

Our problems is that when I'm at work (and my partner is home), she's fine.  She goes into her crate and lays there.  When I'm home, she's constantly in my face, she won't lay down and relax, she's constantly putting her front paws on me and standing up.  It's like she's overly anxious around me and I don't know what to do to calm her.  

I'm her alpha - as I'm the one that will walk her, (trying to) train her, etc.  She will not only display this behavior with me, but with others when I'm home.  

What do you think her issue is?  Is she anxious or am I mis-diagnosing her?  Can you offer suggestions on how I can calm her and make it so my evenings are so stressed out because she won't relax ?  

Jen, I apologize for the tardy reply. I work for a CPA and this time of year is horribly busy for me. It's hard to say without seeing your dog's behavior in person, what exactly is going on. I would recommend that you consult with a local trainer that can come to your house and work with you one-on-one.