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Car chaser

19 8:57:46

I have two 1 1/2 year old border collies that learn very quickly and are aware of yard boundaries however one of them is a car chaser.  He will literally run from the furthest point in the back yard to the front yard if a car seems to be coming down the road.  I think it is the noise of the vehicle as he does not go after all cars in that fashion but will go after loud cars, lawn mowers, ATV's, motorcycles etc.  We also have a problem with him in the car.  He becomes obsessed in the car and "chases" cars that are driving toward us.  

Do you have any suggestions for stopping this behavior?

A fence? Herding breeds are hard wired to want to control motion. Car chasing is self rewarding behavior - being more fun than what you could offer him instead. He may be aware of yard boundaries, but he's not respecting them. You can train a reliable recall, and that may help if you are in the yard. But this is too deadly a habit to trust boundary training. The dog needs physical containment or he's likely to end up under the wheels some day. Sandy Case MEd CPDT