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run a way dogs

19 9:10:51

Any ideas?
We have three acres all fenced in for
our boxers...They have always stayed inside
our yard until 6 months ago when our 2 year old
brindle boxer will escape anyway he can.Dig, Jump
anyway to run a way.  He refuses to come back
when we call our female is starting the
same behavior...A shock collar worked for a small
amount of our male will just run
through it with out stopping. Any thoughts?

Hi Karen,
Just a couple of questions to help us answer you...
1) What type of fence do you have (material, height, etc.)?
2) Are your boxers spayed or neutered?
3) Have you taken either of them to obedience classes?
4) What do you do when they escape (how do you catch them? any punishment involved?)?
5) How old is the female?
6) What have you done to teach them to come reliably (where do you practice this? what rewards do you use?) and how long have been doing this? Have you tried other methods? If so, what methods and for how long did you try?

Chris & Beth