Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > My dog has been peeing in his crate.

My dog has been peeing in his crate.

19 8:57:18

I have a 4 month old Dauschand and we have had him now for 2 month and out of those two months he is in his crate mon-fri 8-5 while i'm at work. He had been doing very well not peeing in the crate and even down to  going in the crate was not a problem. The past week he has been fighting me going in the crate and also peeing in it and laying in it. I walk him every morning two times before i leave. I did have a old shirt of mine in the crate and would leave one of his animals in there as well. But since he has decided to pee in the crate i took those out of course because they got nasty. His daily routine has not changed. Food has not changed nothing. Please help!

I think you need to clean out his cage with a product that will get rid of all traces of smell. You might not be able to smell it, but he can. Once a dog smells that it has done something in a spot they will continue to do so.
So get rid of the smell and start over making the crate a happy place for him to stay again, maybe even get him a new toy and a new shirt to have. This is just a little set back and you just need to correct it and try again.
