Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Shit-zus


19 8:56:43

I am thinking about gettting a shit-zu thats about 1 years old do you you think itll be okay if I leave it at home from 8am to 3pm.

Hi Emily

Well done for taking the time to think this through - if only everyone did!

8 -3 is a long time for any dog to be left; four hours is a maximum ideally.  That said, many dogs are left all day and are fine provided their owners are prepared to give them a lot of time, attention, training and exercise when they are home - a big commitment!  It would be great if you could get someone to visit halfway through the day - a neighbour perhaps or a dog walker to let the dog out and check he/she is ok.

It obviously depends very much on the dog as an individual.  They are a fairly low-energy breed so would cope much better than say a Border Collie.  If this one is used to being left all day then it shouldn't be a problem.  If he is not though then I wouldn't advise it - if he develops problems such as toileting/chewing or barking when you are out you will be in no position to fix it as (I presume) you will have to go to work each day.

Best regards,
