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barking when left alone

19 8:56:43

Please help - I have a 7 month old Hungarian Vizsla called Chester. My neighbour has complained that he barks constantly when I go out. I never leave him for longer than 3 - 4 hours at a time & have built this up gradually.
He has bonded strongly with me & follows me from room to room but I have read this is fairly common in the breed. He gets 2 good walks a day & am at a loss how to stop him doing this. I am grateful for any advice you can offer me Amanda

Hi Amanda

Sorry to hear about your problem, it is hard when neighbours are complaining.

HVs are a sensitive breed as you will know.  It is good that he gets loads of exercise - off lead I presume?  These dogs need a minimum of one hour off lead running daily.

You first need to assess the situation yourself as I think you will need to go back to basics if you are to get to the root of the problem (i.e. stop the anxiety, not just the barking).  What does Chester do when you put your coat on, get your keys, put shoes on etc?  Do your normal 'going out without Chester' routine and observe him subtly.  I expect you say goodbye to him, give him a treat, shut him in somewhere etc - go through the whole thing.  At what point does he start to react, if at all?  You may find he looks anxious much sooner than you think.  Then go out the front door - what happens?  Obviously this won't work if he is the other side of the door watching you!  He needs to think you have gone.  How long until the barking starts?  This will give you an idea of the severity and how established the problem is.

You probably need at look at your relationship with Chester.  They are a 'clingy' breed and not very bold so can become quite worried by life in general.  If you prevent him from following you around the house (e.g. shut doors) what does he do?  It is a bit unhealthy for a dog to feel it needs to behave like this; he can't be very relaxed.  If he can't be apart from you when you are at home it is no wonder he can't cope when you leave him for 3-4 hours.

I have probably given you more to think about than I have answered your question, but that is because it is really not as simple as just stopping the barking (don't be tempted by any of the anti-barking gadgets).  Assess how long he can be apart from you and go from there, gradually building up his confidence.  

Give him things to occupy his mind.  Scatter his food in the garden for example (not near a toilet area!) or feed it in a Kong.  Get him playing with toys, take him training - all things which help keep his clever little Vizsla brain busy!

Let me know if you need help when you have thought about what I've said and good luck with it.  


p.s. It is worth explaining to your neighbour that you are working on it but it will take time and could they just bear with it please.