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Dog with Anxiety, Fears, and quite possibly ADHD!

19 8:57:42

Hi, the title is a bit over-the-top, but I definitely have a dog that cannot be summed up in one word.  I'm no newbie when it comes to dog-training, but I'm at my wit's end with this dog.  I have a 9 month Newfoundland named Flora.  I got her as an 8 week old pup.  From the get-go you could see she had intense prey and food drive, loving to tug and to eat.  She learned tricks rapidly, mastering numerous positions in a matter of days.  One trick she couldnt master, however, was being alone.  We tried crate-training her the first few days, and it went horribly.  She would cry incessently, not just for 20 mins, I mean incessently.  She would also soil the crate in the midst of all this crying.  Even if we were in the next room and she could hear us, if she was in the crate..the same thing ensued.

Soon I had no choice but to accomodate by getting rid of the crate, having her sleep next to my bed at be honest I don't even know how we pulled through.  Did I mention as a pup she peed almost every 20 mins?  We thought she had a bladder infection, but she didnt.  

We started her in obedience classes at the age of 10 weeks, and to be honest I figured she'd be the happiest dog there.  Much to my surprise, she wouldn't even come out from under a chair - she was mortified. By the end of the program she was playing with most of the dogs though.  Fast forward to now.  She is 50 lbs (small i know), not afraid of MOSt dogs, and is pretty much housebroken.  She is managable, in fact, I love her more than any dog I've had.  I take her out 4+ times a day, 2 of which are long tiresome outings.  She fetches well, can perform some crisp obedience routines, and is even learning to track.  

But here are the probs: She barks at strangers, has to be with me wherever I am, will bark at some strange dogs, and is just overall hyperactive.  I take her to a college campus everyday to expose her to people, and she does fine as long as they dont look at her, if they do she goes berserk.  If a dog is bigger than her she'll often bark at it.  But the worst part, and the main reasion I'm writing this long question, is her anxiety when left alone.

I just got another pup that I will be training for Schutzhund, and since Flora cannot be left alone, she is always in the mix.  The only alone time i have with the pup is when Flora is working on a frozen kong.  Moreover, when she's around she hogs all the puppy's attention, and sometimes gets too rough when she wrestles with him.  It is important for Schutzhund that the pup learns to tug with me and remain confident, so Flora is causing some probs.  How can I acclimate her to alone time?  The trainers I know just say "make her love the crate", "dont show emotion when u come home", and those other basic remedies.  But this is a more complex case, I have a big crate in my room that I feed her her kongs in occasionally, and that she will sometimes sleep in at night.  But leave her there by way.

Sorry for this long message, but please, any suggestions woudl be great  

Separation and fear anxiety can be a challenge and is going to take some time and effort on your part. The trainers you have talked to are right but every dog is different. My suggestion to you would be to connect with a local vet, make sure there is nothing physically wrong with her first. Work with your vet to find some things you can do, if the problem is extreme then medication might be your answer. Flora's need to be close is strong, maybe giving her her own time of play and attention then she has her alone time with her kong in her crate. You are still with her (in room) but doing something else.
The barking at others is just her way to make sure she defends herself, using a simple word of HUSH and shaking a can filled with pennies(see below) while  she is barking,this will get her to stop her reaction so you can correct.
Try this and see if it helps, if so you can proceed to use this when she is not happy staying in her crate as well.

** PENNIE CAN:  Use an old water bottle (save top), or an empty soda can  (you will have to use duck tape to close the top) place about 16 pennies in can close top. At the point of doing something that is unacceptable shake the can and say HUSH!the noise will startle her, correct again with HUSH do this every time. Soon you will be able to stop her reactions.

Hope this helps, let me know
