Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > 6 mo old black schnauzer named Shadow

6 mo old black schnauzer named Shadow

19 8:57:44

Wonderful dog and has been easy to train.  We have a nice fenced in back yard which is her bathroom and play area.  She lets us know when she needs to go, but, insists that we stay and watch her while she goes or while she plays. Once she sees that we have left the deck to go inside, she comes running for the back door?


The Schnauzer breed of dog are very loyal and crave to be a social part of a family she is just making sure you will not leave her.
When she is let out to potty, just send her out the door and walk away leave her out for a short time working gradually up to longer sessions. This will show her everything is ok, your still around to let her in when she goes out.It may take a bit of time but just ignoring her when she is out alone and you are inside she will quickly learn you are not coming out but your still there and she can go play or explore on her own.If she was to bark, scratch or anything else at the door firmly tell her NO! In her area of play place something new that she will love to play with, this will get her attention to focus on something other than going in.

Hope this helps
