Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > 4 mo old pembroke welsh corgi peeing everywhere

4 mo old pembroke welsh corgi peeing everywhere

19 9:01:36

I am having trouble potty training my 4 mo old pembroke welsh corgi. He is in a crate during the day/night when we are not home, but the minute we are home he pees alittle bit (a few drops) every few hours. I do not know if this is a male thing, he is not neutered yet (as is he still hasn't dropped fully). He wont go on paper even though if he starts to pee, I move him on it or show him where it is..I will even take him out to finish, but of course he does not need to go. I can also have him out on a lead for I know he is still young, but should he be getting the  min. and of course, as soon as I bring him in, he will go to the bathroom. it is very frustrating..

It sounds like he is "marking".  I would recommend neutering him right away.  Just keep in mind that it can take up to 30 days for the hormones to go away.     I would wonder about a medical problem such as an infection, but if he is ok in his crate during the night/day than that probably isn't the problem.       
The key to housebreaking them is to completely eliminate the opportunity for these accidents and that takes hard work on your part and persistence.   If he is urinating in the house when not in the crate, keep him in the crate when you can not supervise him 100% of the time.  If he continues to pee right in front of you, keep him on a leash in the house so you can give him a gentle tug when he starts to go.   If he starts to go, run right outside.