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recall issue

18 18:03:23


   Thank you in advance for addressing my current puppy issue.  I've got a 13 week old male Boxer.  He's done very well up to this point.  House trained.  Sits.  High-five's.  Shakes.  Still working on the down command, he's a little slow about this and seems to need a visual que to do it.  But we're gonna keep working on it and I'm confident that he will get it in another week or so.  

Problem...  All of the sudden, within the last two days, Gunner has started to become ... stuborn?  I'm not sure this is correct.  Today, I called him and for the first time, he looked up at me and seemed to say to himself, "self, I don't really want to come to him right now," then, he turned and strutted away.  

My wife thought this was funny, and I must admit, watching the little dogs gears turn, looked hilarious, but I know this is not good and must admit that it irritated me.  When I walked over and tried to pick him up, he sped up and tried to run from me.  I grabbed him by his sides, my fingers pressing into him enough for him to sense my disapproval.  

In my opinion, the recall is the most important command I can instill in my dog and I don't want to irreparably destroy my chances of getting him to heed my call consistently.  

Can you give me a recall training routine or formula that would work on a very proud little boxer that is starting to feel his oats?  Gunner's doing great so far, and I understand that 13 weeks is about the time pups start to test their master's leadership.  I don't want to be heavy handed with him, but at the same time, I will not allow him to think he can challenge me as his pack leader.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Best Regards,

J.D. Lowes
Dallas, GA  

Dear JD,

You hit the nail on the head when you said he is testing the waters.
What I do in my practice to reinforce recall or any other command is very simple but effective.

From 6 weeks old my puppy classes, and dog obedience classes start with the words "WATCH ME" these simple words are control words. If my dog knows these words, it will have to LOOK at me first and then a command will follow. A dog that is giving you eye to eye is most likely not going to disobey you.

Start by saying "Watch me" when he looks at you reward him with a tiny bit of treat.(I mean tiny)By asking him to watch you sets up for him to be almost asking you for permission.(which is a good thing) So everything you do is watch me "watch me" SIT, "watch me" HIGH FIVE ect.. Reward during this when he does what you ask him.

When this seems to be going well, put his leash on, while on the leash ask him to "watch me" then tell him COME. When he comes towards you give verbal praise, ask for a SIT and then reward. When you feel that he has this down, test him, put him on a longer lead or thin rope let him wonder, say "WATCH ME" when he looks at you, give him the come command if he comes reward!
Now if he choose not to come, then reel him in hand or hand with the line, all the while saying "COME" when he reaches you ask for the "WATCH ME" and just praise and try again. When you feel that you can go off lead do it, if it gets out of control then go back to the lead. This will not be a overnight fix but in time you will have a dog that will listen to you and watch for those commands.

At this point, if you got the "WATCH ME" going good, he will realize that you can control his movements and or behaviors.
Rewarding him is the best thing for you to do, if it's something he likes he will do it. You are teaching him to listen at the same time.

Good luck and keep me posted
