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Naughty Lab

18 18:00:05

I have a yellow Lab who has just turned one. He's a lovely pup and very easy to train but recently when we let him out in the garden or off his lead in the field its hit and miss as to whether he comes back. He never used to do this, just last 3/4 months. Every time you take a step toward him he takes a jump back, have tried coaxing him with biscuits etc and he wants them but still steps back out of reach when you try to grab him. He know the 'come' command and obeys it everytime in the house or on his long lead. Its got to the point where we have to take him out for a wee in the garden on his lead just in case he decided to play up.
Any advice would be great.

Your dog does not see you as pack leader.
By the third lesson we are teaching obedience class dogs to come and sit on cmmmand. One exercise is called the running recall. The dog sits, the owner steps away about 20 feet. The owner then calls the dog, while the owner runs away. When the dog catches the owner, the owner stops and rewards the dog. This teaches the dog and owner, NEVER CHASE THE DOG< MAKE THE DOG CHASE YOU. Your dog has trained you to chase it. Next time when the dog does that, turn around and say loudly, Good By Fido! And walk away. The dog will run after you. We start this in the training building then move outside where the dog could run up to 1000' before it gets to a fence, but by then the dog has no interest in running away (except to chase frisbe or such).  

Make sure you follow the nothing for free program. The dog has to follow some command before receiving anything, toy, treat, feeding, affection, etc. No exception.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC