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peeing/feces in home

18 18:00:35

i let my small dog out numerous times a day to potty,he never alerts me when he has to go what, can i do so i dont have to crate him when im sleeping or at work[to let me know when i am at home]that he has to go outside. please help dont want to get rid of him,i rescued him

I'm not sure I quite understand your question. You can teach him to let you know by teaching him to ring a bell, or hit an easy button near the door. But I would supervise him very carefully - put up baby gates, even tether him to you so you can notice if he starts to sniff or circle. Feed regulary scheduled meals and keep track of when he "goes" so you can anticipate his needs. Clean soiled areas with a good enzymatic cleaner, and he should be crated any time you can't be watching him. When he comes out of his crate (and when his schedule indicates)go out with him to make sure he actually does his business instead of playing. If he hasn't in 5 minutes, pop him back in his crate and try again in 5 minutes, until he does. If he is marking in the house, a belly band may help with management. But the big key is supervision. If you don't see it happen, there's no training going on. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT