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eating dog poo

18 18:03:11

I have a 9 month old male Westie and ever since I got him he eats dog poo any sort of poo (bird cat etc how can I stop it?  Also he has started cocking his leg indoors.  What should I do?


Coprophagia (eating of poo) is very normal, common dog behaviour and once they start it can be very difficult to stop it.  To dogs poo is food so it is like trying to stop them from eating, say, a burger someone has dropped - you teach a good recall or 'leave it' command then watch your dog and use your voice to control him.  Reward him well for not eating it.

Cocking his leg indoors could be due to puberty, house training or insecurity (sudden changes in routine/life style) but given his age is most likely the first.  Castration may help, as will cleaning thoroughly the area and taking him out regularly.
