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peeing inside after trained

19 8:57:09

MY 2 year old mixed dog was fixed about 3 weeks ago and is on antibiotics from a skin infection after has started peeing in the family room small amounts. Any suggestions?

Female or male? If female, sometimes the bladder gets bruised during the spay. Also, her hormonal balance would be changing, and just like some women have decreased bladder control after menopause or hysterectomy, loss of estrogen does the same thing to some dogs (called spay incontinence) Another possibility would be a urinary tract infection (which could be related to the stress of the other medical stuff going on or not) or it could be related to what s/he's taking for the skin infection. I'd ask the vet, and get a urinalysis. If it's spay incontenence, there is a prescription med for that.
If s/he checks out healthy then you need to go back to close supervision to remind about house training. And of course clean the soiled areas with an enzymatic cleaner. Sandy Case MEd CPDT