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Weste chasing cats in the house

19 8:59:33

Five year old WESTE Chases two house cats each every time I bring into my girlfriend's home. Causes havoc. The cats have the run of her home. My WESTE have the run at my home. Can he be made to get along with the two house cats in the sam home?

This is a very difficult situation as your dog has not had the experience socializing with cats.  Bring your dog in on a leash, and have a very high value treat such as cheese or meat.  Reward the dog for calm behavior, and make sure to start BEFORE he reacts to the cats.  It is much easier to keep him in a calm state of mind, than try to return him to one after he is set on chasing the cats.  You will have to do this for a while, and when you see him ignoring the cats then try it off leash, or with a long line.  It is imperative that you can physically keep him from getting the cats while doing this training.