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10 year old Pekingese

19 8:59:32

Hi there,
I just got an adorable male pekingese. I bought him from a breeder but I think he has been raised in a pen with other dogs whom were allowed to poop/pee in the pen.
I have been crate training him. He can make it all through the night w/out accidents. During the day when he is crated (crate is small too), he is going pee/poop. I take him out first thing in the morning, walk him like 1/2later, and bring him out right before I leave at like 8am.
The vet suggested for 1 week that I leave in the kitchen with a gate, crate open, pee wee pads next to crate. Now he is going on the floor (poop) and not on pads. My boyfriend is going home at like 9am to check up on him. He is pooping from 8-9 am. He has a hard time pooping not peeing outside!
I have read everything on crate training.
What should my next be to fix this behavior. I praise him for going outside and he does it well if I home like weekends. I feed him twice a day, noon and six. He does not even eat in the morning.
In need of help, don't know what to do now!! Please help me.

When are you feeding him? If you're feeding him in the morning, you need to make sure he poops before you leave. If that is not possible, then stop feeding him in the mornings, and feed him instead when you get home from work.

Also, take a look at for more helpful tips.