Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > grabbing things

grabbing things

19 8:57:53

I have a 5 (almost 6) month old labradoodle who has gone through puppy training and obeys the commands (sit, down, stay, leave it/don't touch, drop it) most of the time.  However, when he really wants to get my attention, he doesn't listen/obey anything and he grabs items that he knows I will come get back from him -- he's made it a game.  I have responded as I don't want him to tear up the items he grabs and I don't know how to keep him from doing it again.  I'm getting very frustrated and don't know how to stop him using just the reward system.  What do I do?


Glad to hear that he has done puppy training. This is not uncommon as many dogs that hit that almost level of maturity will in someway test the boundaries in one way or another.
Reinforce the LEAVE IT! then take one step further. An empty soda can filled with about 16 or so pennies, duck tape the opening so pennies will not come out. Set him up to be corrected, leave an item out that you know he will touch, as soon as he picks it up in his mouth SHAKE the can hard and say LEAVE IT! when he drops the object reward with praise. Every time he has something in his mouth the can is shook and words LEAVE IT are said. This will stop the behavior but it must be consistent. The noise from the can will startle him enough to do away with the unwanted behavior thus keeping the reward system when he does not touch the object.

Please let me know how you are getting along with this.
