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New fear in 7 month old female lab

18 17:52:31

I have a young lab, recently spayed, and she has completed puppy class, Obedience Levels 1 and 2, and puppy fundamentals of agility class.  To date she has been fearless, and exceptionally cooperative.  Three days ago, she was going down the stairs, and a baby gate that was leaning against the wall (used recently to keep her off the stairs post spaying) fell on her.  She wasn't hurt, and continued on as normal.  she went up and down the stairs several times over the day.  The following morning, after going down the stairs, she refused to go back up the stairs.  We've tried everything, toys, favorite treats, even wieners, but she doesn't want her back feet to leave the floor.  She indicates that she wants to come upstairs with us, by whining, and becoming excited when we try to coax her.  She does not act timid or submissive when we try to persuade her.  Her tail wags frantically, but she just won't put her hind feet on the steps.  Do you have suggestions?  Normally she sticks to us like glue, and I'd like to spend as much time with her as I can, but in our 2 story farm house, we have our computer upstairs, and sleep upstairs as well.  I miss having her with me.  

Normally when something of this sort (baby gate, vacuum, broom etc) happens, the dog immediately reacts, not several days later. When such an event happens, it is best to deal with it immediately by showing hte dog that it is not "alive" haunted or otherwise capable of animation. Well after the fact makes me ask what happened in between?  If the gate was removed, put it back and how the dog it is OK. If the gate is still there, show the dog it is OK and the gate won't hurt.

TO lure the dog past you need to be very close to the dog. Try using a lead and walking the dog past and up the stairs. Use treat, toy and encouragement. Try heeling the dog past the gate with the dog on the side opposite of where the gate is attached. Try closing the gate for a couple days, let the dog get used to it then open it.

Try "fetch" with items on the stairs, one stair at a time till the dog goes up far enough to pass teh gate.

These are all desensitization methods.  THere are others yu can try also.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC