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marking & peeing

18 17:48:57

My friend has a 9 month old Pug and when she brings him over he pees on pillows, blanket, kids toys why would he do that, and he pooped on my bed once . He can go out in the yard whenever he wants to have a old dogie door and he uses it but in about a hour after he come in he pees again on something. my friend was upset last night because when he got home she took him out to do his business which he did and when he came in he peed on her drapes and he has never do his business in the house before. What can she do to stop this behavior.


A Pug at 9 months old would be an adult, so if he is intact this would explain the peeing on things in your house, he is claiming territory.

You do not mention if you have a dog or had a dog yourself, if you did or do this dogs scent on furniture etc will increase his need/desire to place his scent over the top of the other dogs.

This can/will happen sometimes whether the dog is intact or not.

When a dog moves or goes to a new location, you can not assume he knows in this place where he is supposed to go potty.  So training in new locations is needed.

It is always best to have a dog use a create as a sleeping area throughout it's life, and so when changing location it can aid in teaching where he does potty you can go back to basic puppy potty training.

Ensure all areas where he has pee'd and pooped have been clean properly using a product especially designed for this.

Dogs have also been known to mark over human scent, if they are the pack leaders with their humans again this falls under claiming territory actions, they are claiming another human as a lower ranking member of their pack.