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jealous dog

19 8:59:27

I have an almost 10 month old female boxer puppy, that I am having serious jealousy problems with. My two year old daughter and I live with my boyfriend and got her at about 8 weeks of age. She was fine with all of us, until a few months ago when she started destroying my stuff and my daughters things. She never goes after my boyfriend's stuff, and she never destroys any of mine unless he's away from the house. I tell her no and lock her in her crate when she does it, but I can't seem to get her to stop this behavior and it's increasing in severity. Now it's not only my houseplants and paper items, but toys, cell phones, clothes, and anything else. When my boyfriend's home, she always tries to get in the middle of my daughter and I spending time with him. even sitting on the couch. He never sees any of her destructive behavior and is starting to get mad at me complaining about it. I don't know what to do. I've tried giving her treats, spending time with her, buying toys to chew on, and disciplining. Please let me know how I can train her to respect me and my belongings. I have had dogs all my life, and this one is the only one I've had this problem with.

Dominant behavior is very common at this age.  She is at the point of becoming an adult.  I would strongly recommend you enroll in an obedience class with her, and YOU do the training.  This will increase the bond between you and her, as well as help establish you as more of a leader figure versus just another pack member.  I have also added some links to articles that should help.