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Puppy Socialisation

19 8:58:52

We recently brought home a labrador retriever puppy who's just turned 9 weeks old. He's a bit of a scaredy-cat, and flees to his crate from the washing machine, tumble-drier, and vacuum cleaner. He is our second labrador, and our first was scared of the vacuum cleaner for all his 13 years of life, and I don't want this little guy to have the same fear.

Could you please advise as to how to best help him overcome these fears, and any others we may encounter (car engines being turned on, for example)? He's also uncomfortable travelling in the car, which he has done on four seperate occasions. Is there a good way to accustom him to it? Currently someone drives as I hold him.

Also, is it okay to introduce him to water in our bathtub, and perhaps the shower, at this stage (I don't mean a proper bath with dog shampoo, but just a paddle)? Our first labrador was also scared of water, strangely enough, making it very hard to give him a good wash in the summer!

Many thanks.

At nine weeks, he might simply be in a "fear period".  So, he may get more confident on his own about the strange sights and sounds in your home.  Do take a shy puppy to a positive reinforcement type puppy class - no choke chains or e-collars for this guy.  And, sign up early - do NOT wait until he is four months old.  Do it during his optimum socialization window (8-12 weeks).  You can find a trainer here:, or here:
Good luck!