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Min Pin

19 8:57:14

My 9month old male min pin, Deizel has started bitting me, when I'm getting ready for bed, I try to pick him up to go outside before bed. However, if he doesn't want to be disturbed, he has bitten me to the point of drawing blood. How do I get him stop the bitting? Please, help me in anyway you can. Thank you very much!

Dogs generqlly bite for only a few reasons. 1. There is pain, 2, it isn't trained, 3 it is afraid.

So, determine which cause. Then A, don't pick it up, get a vet to find out what hurts, 2, obedience training which includes no biting, nipping (see my comments in other posts on lemon juice and other biting /chewing remedies) and 3, Is it stressed or otherwise in fear?  

Personally I wouldn't pick up a dog to go out, it has 4 legs, two more than me, and if they work OK, the dog should walk out. Carrying the dog makes you a servent to an unappreciating master - the dog. Put a lead on the dog and lead it outside. If I want a dog on my lap its told to jump on my lap I don't pick it up. Otherwise the dog is running the household. Any local trainer can help you in person on this.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC