Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > 6 yr old part chow/lab

6 yr old part chow/lab

19 9:00:35

very good with people but this last year she has a killer growl if any other dogs in house come near her. very annoying. we have yelled, spanked, water spay bottled, nothing works. the growl just gets meaner. i'v got to do something, its driving me nuts, thanks so much if you can help ; )

Without having much info about your house, the first thing I would suggest it a trip to the vet.  An underlying medical condition very often causes a change in temperament.  Have the works-blood test for thyroid also.  Especially since she is entering a stage in life considered to be senior in large breeds.

Have you changed foods?  How many dogs are in your house?  How much exercise does she get?  

Start with the vet, then if nothing is found their I would like some additional information to be better able to help you.  In the meantime, PLEASE do NOT use your hands or other aggressive techniques to correct her-something is going on, and you are inappropriately managing a symptom.  I am here to help you determine the underlying cause and find an effective and humane solution.

Please let me know what you find,
Erica Slomka
Jumpin JACS Dog Training
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