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My 1year lab bitch wont stop chewing

19 8:59:35

I have a 1 year old lab bitch who wont stop chewing.  She is training to be a gun dog therefore she lives outside with my other dogs (non of which chew).  She is kenneled on her own at night and during the day she has one other bitch in beside her.  It doesn't matter if she is on her own or with another dog she still chews.  She gets out for a walk in the morning and at night, weekends she is either out shooting with us or a long walk. She has chewed most of the wood in the kennel and I have tried bones to keep her occupied, we have even given her chunks of wood. Splashed her with water if we catch her doing it. I just don't know what else to try!!  I don't want to mussel her as we are at work from 7am till 4pm, which is when she is at her worst. Not saying that she doesn't chew through the night cause she dose that too.  Can you please help. Many thanks

It sounds like she has much more energy than your other working dogs.  Training just on the weekends may not be enough for her.  Since it sounds like you have access to some water-if so, take her swimming on the days you aren't actively hunt training.  Running her on a treadmill or with a bike will also help.

I would also try some other type of chew objects.  Kongs are excellent, and can be filled and frozen so they last longer.  Canned food, broth/dog food, pumpkin, peanut butter-these are all options that work great in kings....especially if you mix textures.  I usually stick some hard treats in there in such a manner that they are stuck.