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how much does average spaying or neutering cost?

19 9:05:35

Hello.I would like to know how much is the average cost of spaying a dog.My dog just turned 1 yrs. old on Feb. 27, 2007.She had her 1st "season" about 3 weeks after her birthday.And ever since never had one.First it's kind of hard to keep her in an inclosed area considering the only place I have is a room with a window where you can see the neighbor and he has a black lab so she starts barking at the window when she sees him and it's also hard to keep control of the red spots every where on the floor.I have to constantly clean it.So i'm kind of glad she still hasn't got it again yet.But before she does I want to spay her.Also to prevent future problems.And I'd like to know what the average price is because I called the vet. and they said (including the medicine and other stuff) it's approx. $280.30! THAT'S KIND OF EXPENSIVE.Considering I had no idea how much it was before, I got shocked at the price! Ha ha.So I'm looking for a much cheaper one if there is. So I'd like to know that.

                   Thank You for your time,Jackie

Hi Jackie,
You should call shelters in your area. In Chicago you can get this procedure done for as little as $25. There are also sometimes spay and neuter events that are funded by various organizations. Call around or do a search on the internet.

Good luck!