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5-month old Boxer

18 17:58:32

Our 5-months old boxer puppy, Daisy, has become increasingly belligerent and stubborn.  We have tried everything we can think of.  When she gets mad, she just pees/poops on the carpet.  Would you have any suggestions as to the best way to train her.  She will not come when called, if you try to go out and get her, she turns and runs in the opposite direction.  She's great with our little girl and we love having her, I am just at my wit's end.  She is my husband's dog, but unfortunately, since he is the only one she really will think about listening to, I get ignored since I am home with her all day long.  


Hi, Cimarron,

1.  Since you are home with Daisy all day long, she needs to learn to obey you as well, and your husband needs to support you on this.  You need to become her primary care-giver so she becomes "your" dog as well; you feed her, you play with her, you let her out - everything that she wants or needs should come from you.

2.  Dogs don't experience emotions the way people do, so if she's pooping and peeing, it's not that she's "mad."  At 5 months old, she may actually not be totally housebroken.  

If you have not been using a crate, I would recommend doing so.  Crates are useful all through the stages of a dog's life, especially with housebreaking. I'll include some information on a couple of topics at the end of this email.

3.  As far as not coming when called, the command "come" (and any others like sit, off, down, etc.) shouldn't be used unless you can enforce it; if the dog has the option to choose not to obey, it probably will.  You're correct that if you try to catch her, she'll just think you're making a game out of it.  Try putting some yummy treats in a plastic container, shake it, then give her a treat.  Doing this over and over will teach her when she hears that noise, there are treats involved.  When she's reliable with this, you should be able to stand at the door, shake the can, and she should come.