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Introducing puppy to older dog

19 8:57:34

Hi, my family have a ten year old female dog, and we're going to aquire a puppy of a tolerant breed quite soon. I would like some advice as to how to introduce them to one another, as the older dog is very snappy and wasn't well socialised, and we haven't seen her near any other dogs before.
I'd realy appreciate some help.


Depending on the age of the puppy, most dogs will not hurt a pup. If the pup was to get rowdy and rough with your older dog then your dog might take charge and put the puppy in its place.
Start off  slow, when you bring the pup home its a good idea to have it in a safe place (crate, or behind a gate) then they can get to know one another you will be able to watch your dogs reaction to the pup. Do not force them to be together, let your dog take its time. In a few days your dog should get use to the fact a new dog is in the house.
I wouldn't leave them alone together until you know that they get along well.

Congratulations on your new companion
