Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > My dog is way overprotective...

My dog is way overprotective...

19 9:05:49

Hi Jeff,
I have a 4 year old pug, and he is just way too protective about my brother and I's clothing or shoes, or anything that is ours, When other people touch it, he will snarl and bark at you and try to bite you. He has taken over control of the house. Do you think it is too late to train him?

Hi Vikki,
I don't answer aggression questions via email because there are too many variables to consider. Your dog has something called resource guarding. You should find a skilled positive reinforcement trainer in your area to come over and help you. They should know about resource guarding, desensitization, and have a lot of practice dealing with aggression.

Let me know if you have more questions.

Good luck.