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My toy poodle

19 9:10:04

I was wondering what should I train My toy poodle first she is almost 4 months and I just got her. She also is very shy she backs away when I walk toward her. She won't listen when I call her. She only comes when she wants to.I would like to know what I could do with her. Thanks

Rose, yes, I think you should open the phone book and call the dog trainers listed in it to see if any of them offer personalized, one-on-one beginner classes. I wouldn't recommend a group class at this time, because it's more difficult for the dog to learn in such a distraction-full environment. Some trainers will come to your home and some have a facility you take your dog to. Either is fine, but I would suggest a one-on-one course before a group class in either case.

Her behavior is normal. She has not bonded with you yet, so why should she come when you call her? A training class will help with this.
