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How to train dog to bring and drop objects

18 17:59:43

I have an Australian Shepherd and was thinking of training her to bring me her leash for her daily walks. I am not sure where to start. I was always thinking of training her the trick of finding a treat. Please give me advice on teaching her these.

I have Aussies also. I generally teach a dog to retrieve by first teaching them to "target" with their nose, using a clicker and treats. When they are good at that, I may with-hold a click, and most dogs will get frustrated enough to actually bite the object. Then you have the start of a retrieve. I work with holding the object for a while, then have the dog take it and place it back into my hands, and gradually move towards asking the dog to pick it up and bring it to me. The old shell game (treat under one of three cups) is a great way to start finding a treat. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT