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Dog pooping in crate

18 17:59:16

I have a 3 year old lab mix. My husband and I both work during the day, and put our dog down in the basement where we have a large crate for her that is open for her, and then she also has half of the basement to walk around. We haven't changed her routine. About four months ago, she has started leaving poop in her crate. It started off small, but has now grown into full poops in her crate and she buries them under her blanket. Nothing has changed in our lives that would affect her schedule, so why is this happening, and what can we do to stop it? We are getting very frustrated! Thanks!

I would have a vet check her out to make sure that there isn't a physical issue causing her behavior change. (I'm just speculating here, but maybe her anal glands are bothering her??) Also, has her feeding schedule changed at all? Or have you given her a different kind of food? Or changed the amount you gave her? All of this could have an effect.

You can take the blanket out of the crate so that she doesn't have anything to hide it under and see if that helps. You can also reduce the size of the space she is free to roam around in until the problem stops. Dogs don't usually like to hang out with their poo (that's why she's burying it) so the less space they have and the less stuff they have to hide it under the less likely they are to poo if they have the reasonable expectation that they will be able to go before it becomes an emergency.

Let me know how it goes.