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UNIQUE Housebreaking Problem

18 17:56:13

I believe we have a unique housebreaking issue with our puppy, Artie. He is a Bouvier-Des-Flanders and is now 7 months old. He has never been house-broken. We will keep him outside with us for 2 to 3 hours with no results. As soon as he gets back in the house he does his business! Further problem is he doesn't sniff or go in circles...he just stops walking and 'goes'.
I now realize that the breeder set us up for failure because the litter of pups was kept totally inside the house in their den for their entire lifetime until we bought our dog and brought him home.
   Is he too old to crate-train after having the run of the house for seven months?
   What do you recommend ?
Thank You
Steve G.

Not too old to crate train. Invest in a crate just big enough for him to stand up in and turn around. Keep him on a strict food and water schedule (don't leave water down all day, just offer it to him when you think he might want it). Take him outside on leash and encourage him to go...he gets no more than 5 minutes. If he doesn't go, back inside the crate, matter-of-factly. Take him out again and repeat until you have a successful elimination outside.

You might also consider investing in one of these:

Sorry for the self-promo, but I think it would be especially helpful in this case. Keep me posted (no pun intended).

Josh Abrams