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Headstrong Great Dane

18 17:51:05

We have a 15 month old male Great Dane,Loki. We took him to an obedience class in the Fall and did learn some useful tips. He listens quite well indoors. He will sit & stay, go lay down, come etc. He does get wound up and carried away at times but for the most part he is fairly well behaved. As soon as we let him outside we have lost all control. We have 32 wooded acres behind our house that he is more than welcome to explore but 9 times out of 10 he heads straight down the driveway and into the road and he's gone. He is instantly deaf to our calls and it takes a long time to catch him or he does come back on his own eventually. When we get close to him he veers off and runs away. We realize chasing him has become a game to him and we wouldn't do it if he were running somewhere safe. How do we stop this behavior? We would love to let him run on our property and know he is going to be safe. We have a 3 year old Lab also, Thor. He stays on the property at all times but that hasn't influenced Loki so far.

He simply isn't trained to come reliably, so for now, he doesn't belong off leash.  The best system for recall training that I have found is Leslie Nelson's "Really Reliable Recall" - you can get the DVD at  Hope it helps you train your dog and keep him safe.