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e collar help

18 18:00:01


I am getting a 8 week old, German Shepherd puppy in a few weeks and would like to know your thoughts on electric collars. I have a friend who is a professional dog trainer who would assist me with the training; we will use the E collar and treats. I would be training sit, stay, down, come, go, heel, and basic walk with me; do not pull my arm off.  I have a small child and a wife who is not strong and want to make sure that they will be safe when walking the dog.  My questions are what are the pros and cons in using a E collar?  What is a safe and appropriate age to use the collar?  I have been told the the e collar is more humane and safer then some of the other collars.  Is there any information  that you recommend me reviewing before using this product or training in general; books, dvd, websites, ect?

 Thank you for your time and helping me with the best training for my dog.  


I prefer to train with positive reinforcement, and can accomplish all the things you mention without punitive methods. I've never used an ecollar, so other than to say that I've never met a dog who really needed one for basic training, (certainly not a baby puppy!) I'm not the person to advise you on it's use. Here is a website that might give you some alternate views to the ones you've been hearing though:
Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT