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Housebreaking our 7month Malti Poo

18 17:57:20

We just adopted a 7 month old male Malti Poo. He has been crate trained. We take him outside and he does his business. Our problem is that when he is in the crate more than 1 1/2 to 2 hours, he pees in the crate. The crate is the right size, just enough room for him to turn around and sleep. We have raised other breeds and this has never happened, please help. PS he has been with us for 3 days.

Hello Eric -

Congratulations on your new family member!  I am sure he will bring you many years of joy.  It sounds like he is not as crate trained as you thought though.  It might be possible that the previous owners did not crate train him properly.  You have your work cut out for you but the problem is fixable.  

First, if he truly only has enough room to move around in it, then that means he is laying in his urine when he is done.  This is very unusual.  Have you had a urine test done on him at the vet?  He may have a bladder infection (which is easily fixed with antibiotics for two weeks in most cases).  Second, if he is in the same crate he was at the previous owner, get a new one.  If he has a habit of peeing in it, he is already trained to do so and the smell will stay in the crate even if you clean it (although something like Nature's Miracle may help better than regular cleaners).  Also, put new bedding in the crate and if he gets urine on himself, wash him.  It is against their nature to potty where they sleep, but anyone can get used to most anything.  

You are going to have to retrain him with the crate.  The best way I have found to do this is: Take him out of the crate every 30 minutes.  If he does his business, then he gets to play in the house for 30 minutes (being carefully watched though).  If he doesn't go to the bathroom, then it is back in the crate for 15 minutes and try again.  After 30 minutes of play take him out to go to the bathroom, if he goes, more play in the house, if not, back in the crate.  Crates are not for punishment ever!  They are supposed to be a safe place that is all their own.  I know it seems like a lot of work, but in about two weeks, it will be worth it.  Also, do not allow water to be readily available to him at all times while crate training.  Put it up after he drinks and limit the number of times he drinks during the day and do not allow him to drink for at least 45 minutes before bed.  Bedtime is the only time he should be going long periods of time without coming out every 30 minutes.  For a week or so you may want to take him out once in the middle of the night to potty.  And make sure he goes outside immediately after eating or drinking!  

Never punish him for peeing after the fact.  he will not understand and end up learning only that it is bad for you to see him go to the bathroom.  If you catch him doing it, make a loud noise with your hands and firmly say no and take him outside.  One more hint; every time he goes potty in the appropriate place say, "Good boy, go potty! Go potty!".  He will eventually learn to associate the word "potty" with the deed and may even do it on command!

I know that once he is trained you will have a much happier healthy pet.  I hope this helps!