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Further Training Ideas

18 17:46:18

I have a 2 year old miniature schnauzer named Oscar. He is the most well behaved and obedient dog that I have ever came in contact with. He knows how to sit, stay, lay, come and go with little to no problem. I would like to teach him more, but I am not sure what things would benefit us both. I would also like to learn some games or things that can challenge his mind and possibly increase his intelligence. I live in Alabama and have plenty of space inside and out. I know that there is always room for improvement and would love some new ideas. Thanks very much.

Hi Brandon,
Some of my favorites are placement cues and treat or Kong finds.

Train him to go to a location by putting him on leash and walking him to a dog bed, towel or floor rug.
Wait for him to do something such as "sit".
When he does, toss a treat off of the area so he has to go get it.
Bring him back and wait for him to do something else, or ask him to lie down if he needs a bit of help.
After he lies down reliably, move him away and say the cue, such as, "Go to your bed" and point to the bed.
Wait for moment and then walk him over, ask him to lie down and reward.

Eventually you can ask him and he will go on his own.

Then, ask him to stay and hide a treat around your back (you will be kneeling on the floor)
Ask him to "find your treat"
Guide him to the treat if he needs help
Ask him to Go to Bed again.
Hide the treat farther away.

Eventually he can find treats around the house. is a great resource for dog books including tricks and more practical training topics.