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6 month fearful dachshund

19 9:04:08

WE have had Henry for a month; he has attached normally and enthusiastically to my husband and older son.  He usually is okay with me, but he barks like crazy and hides whenever my 19 year old son or 18 yr old daughter come home.  We've tried treats, ignoring, calmly sitting on floor, etc. I also cannot get him to come to me; I usually have to trick him to get him to put on leash etc. He loves our other dog, being outside, etc. No traumas that we know of; our other dog came from same breeder.

Hi Kristin,

It is very odd how some dogs develop these little issues when nothing tramatic has happened.  I've seen it happen before and it's hard to understand.   

The best way to deal with this problem, from my past experience is to have the people that the dog is afraid do most of the work for him.   Feed him, take him out, freshen his water etc.   If he must depend on them for his necessities, it will help him overcome a fear of them.  

I'm sure he will come around, just take it slow and continue doing what you are doing - treats, ignoring the problem and being patient with him.

There is a great website that goes into more detail on fearful dog issues.  It is    Look at the bottom under the "robins tips".
