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Night time crate use

18 17:59:46

We have a 14 week old English Springer Spaniel.   We have not been consistant in night time routine ... but for the past 2 weeks have used a crate.  She has no problem going in or going to sleep, but at 3am she begins whining and barking.   We have been told by our vet NOT to go to her, or she will learn it gets her attention.   She should be able to hold her urine - but every morning the bedding is wet.  What to do?

At 14 weeks the dog likely is not ready for all night without relief. Its like kids, some are ready at 2, others at 4. Before bedtime, give a little water, 1-2 ounces, then put the dog out, let it back in when it goes. The dogs body doesn't know how much it drank, but should empty anyway. Get the dog out when it is tellling you it needs to go. We have a young beagle, 6 AM, it needs to go out. As it grows older its getting better to a 8 pm last out.  Look at it this way, at least the dog knows not to go inside!

If you are the pack leader, the dog is not bing bad to get attention if it actually has to go potty.  If it goes in the house after just being outside, its being naughty to get your attention. (or chewing, barking, etc).

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC