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dogs hunting our cats

18 17:59:45

We got a nice year old dog from the pound.  I didn't realize it until it was too late- that this dog was hunting my two cats.  Now my other dog chases the cats too.  The cats are petrified & won't go outside now.
Is there anyway to solve this?  My cats are so scared now, but they are miserable not being able to go outside. Thanks.

you can teach the dogs a good strong "leave it". But I have to admit, while my dogs are great with my cats inside, I'm not sure they would be safe if the dogs saw them running in the yard. And pack instinct to chase can be dangerous to the animal being chased. I can't really give you a way to fix that over the internet and be confident that my advice would keep your cats out of danger. I don't allow my cats to go out (many stray dogs in the neighborhood, and near a busy street - plus I don't want them killing song birds) but they do have an enclosed outdoor area to play in. If your cats are safe outside, I'd allow them out when the dogs are inside, and allow the dogs out when the cats are in. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT