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older dog peeing/pooping in house

19 9:00:51

We have a beautiful border collie female dog that we brought home from our local SPCA 4 years ago.  She was thought to be about 2 1/2 years old then.  She was house trained, and we rarely have had a problem.  We walk her about 3 km every morning, then shorter walks in the afternoon, early evening and again before bed time.  In the last 2 months, she has started to have problems in the house (actually only one room of our house - family room).  At first, she was defacating either at night or while we are gone in the day - this has happened about 3 times in the last 2 months.  Last night, she peed in the same room, even though she was outside at 10 pm at again this morning at 6 am.  Can this just become a habit since it is always happening in the family room only, or should we be seeing her vet to make sure there isn't a medical reason for this?
Thanks for any help - we are pulling our hair out over this.


Hi Karen,

When a dog has behavioral changes it is always a good idea to have a vet check them over, especially in older dogs.  They can do bloodwork and a urinalysis and a fecal to see if there is any underlying problem.    However, since it doesn't seem to be happening all that much, I'm not that concerned it is medical --- but of course only a vet should advise you on that.

I think she be smelling her previous accidents and they may be triggering her to do it again.   What type of cleaner are you using.  As you know, dogs can smell way better than we can and if you only use regular household cleaners, the smell really won't be gone.   I like to use a special enzyme cleaner available at all petco or petsmarts.  One brand is natures Miracle.  Basically, it neutralizes the smell so the dog can not longer smell it.

If that doesn't work, you may need to try crating her or possibly baby gating her in the kitchen.  Not all the time, but perhaps when you are not there just as a basic "reminder" of proper bathroom habits.     Perhaps just gating off that one room where she has accidents would be a good alternative to a crate.

I'm assuming she has already been spayed.   If not, this could be a way of "marking".     Also, have their been any other pets visiting that could have had an accident in that room?