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How to potty train my 5 year old cocker spanial?

18 17:52:00

Hi I just bought a five year old female cocker spanial. She was crate trained is what the previous owner said, But she was kept outside she was only brought in when she had puppys. She loves being in the house and does good until she uses the bath room in the floor. I have been taking her outside at least 4 times a day. I also have tried not feeding her after 5:00 in the after noon and taking her out at night. But none of it seems to be working. I was wondering what you think I should do? She also has blood in  her poop and I heard it was from stress from having to switch homes.  

I can't comment on the blood in the stool see a vet for that.  The dog is not house trained.  Adapt the following to your situation.

Here's how I explained it to another person:
You need to learn to use the process of crate training properly. You stated your dog stays in the crate overnight without soiling so you know it needs to go in the morning.  Remove the dog from the crate in the morning carrying it outside to the spot you would like it to go.  Having it on a lead would be good also for control to keep it in the area you want it to potty in.  Put the dog down in this spot and begin giving it a command to "potty", "clean out" or whatever you want to use. Continue to repeat the command until the dog goes potty.  Immediately when it begin to potty praise it.  Give the dog only 5 minutes to go.  If the dog does not go then pick it up and return it to the crate for 15 minutes.  Then repeat the process.  Usually by the second or third time out it will go.  Once it goes outside the reward it by giving it free time in the house.  Limit the free time to an hour or so then return to crate for an hour or so and repeat the process.  It won't always go potty when you go out after the first time but that's ok.  Gradually increase the free time in the house and continue the potty routine until the dog is going quickly whenever taken to the spot.  Eventually it will run to the spot on its own.  By using a command the dog will become conditioned to go potty when it hears the command.  This becomes very useful when traveling and stopping at rest areas so you can get the dog to go quickly.  This is how you use a crate to potty train your dog.  I have had two dogs that become so well trained to potty on command that they will squat and attempt to go even when they don't have to if I gave the command.  One would potty anywhere she happened to be when I gave the command even my friends patio when he didn't believe the dog went on command!!!

Need additional help please feel free to contact me.  Dr. Hogan  509-991-0385 until 10 pm pacific time