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Pooping in Yard

19 8:59:16

We have 4 German Shepherd, 1 yr old and 3 6 yrs olds. We live in the country and the dogs have free rein to the yard and 40 acres. We want to train them to poop in the field instead of our yard where we walk and mow. How do we handle this?

thank you

Hi Karen,

This is a tough one. They have already been trained to go in the yard. Now you will have to retrain 3 dogs that the rules have changed.

The best bet is to place little flags around the yard area. This will be the "no-poop" zone. You probably know about when your dogs need to go, such as after meals. Take them out on their leads and steer them to the field past the flags. When they go, praise them lavishly. If they begin to squat in the no-poop zone, correct them and guide them past the flags. Repeat daily. Also make sure that no droppings are in the yard area.

With a lot of patience and about 2 weeks of work, you should have a poop free yard. When they have mastered the new rules, you should be able to remove the flags.

Good Luck!
