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Advice needed on house training...sorry!

18 17:59:08

I have read through many of the answers given on this website but can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. We adopted a 7yr old bulldog two weeks ago and although he has settled really well considering his whole world has changed, he urinates most nights in the room where he sleeps. I don't think that it's marking. He has lived in a pub (bar)for most of his life so I think it may just be his bodyclock. He doesn't urinate if left during the day and is taken out as late as possible at night. I am reluctant to introduce a crate because I think that he's got enough changes to cope with at the moment. I just wondered if we could stop him doing it somehow, other than staying up all night to catch him in the act. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

If you make the area he sleeps small enough he won't want to urinate in it (because he won't want to sleep in his urine). So you can either crate him, put him in a smaller room, or put him on a short tether that just allows him enough space to stand up, turn around, lay down and stretch out for the night. If he still urinates on his bed, he will probably try to bury in his bedding, take away his bedding for a few days and he should stop.

Of course it goes without saying that he should get a good walk before bedtime to make sure he goes potty and I would take away his water bowl 3 hours before bedtime as well.

Once he's gone several days without a mess you can give him more space again but wait a few weeks longer before you give him back his water bowl in the evenings.