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spiteful dog

18 17:59:08

How do i train my 7 month old boxer puppy from being spiteful? Everytime we leave her at home she goes crazy and she'll pee and poop every-where and chew walls and tables. how can i control this??
              Thank You

Do you have a crate? Dogs generally don't do "spite". It may be that when there's nobody around to redirect the pup from activities you don't like, they have a party. The pup may also be anxious because they have been left alone. This is called "separation anxiety." When you leave a pup unsupervised, there is no way you can control their behavior when you aren't there. If you punish her after the fact, that can add to her anxiety because when you come home you are angry. It's best to manage her so she can't get into trouble when she's alone. If you continue to see signs of anxiety when alone, you might want to contact a good trainer or behaviorist to help you with a plan. Here's a really good article on separation anxiety, that might give you an idea if that is what you have going on.
Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT