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Leo,my Cockapoo

18 17:56:33

We live on a farm,but Leo is an inside buddy.When people come,we don't mind being alerted to their presence.Because we live in a bigger home,this makes me feel safe.Once they are inside and visiting,Leo will still bark at them.We tell him to be quiet and it takes a bit for him to wind down. This is quit noisy.Leo doesn't bit but is a scaredy cat.He has such a sweet,loving disposition.What command can I use and what can I do to get him to calm down.

Another thing that scares me,is when Leo is put out to use the bathroom.He gets so busy sniffing around,that when he's called,he doesn't always come right away.There are coyotes on the farm and I'm concerned that one of these times something might happen.I do have Leo trained to only go in the front yard area(we have a big yard) and he stays within his boundary in the back of the yard.We have no fences as yard boundary,but he is excellent with doing this.Whenever he use to go beyond his limit,I would pick him up and put him in the house right away,or put him on his long leash tied up outside,with me outside.What can I do and say,to make Leo come to me when I call him after his biffy break? He just casually comes when I finally get his attention but only after calling his name loudly and repeatedly.I would really appreciate your help with these two issues.Thank You,Brenda.

Hello Brenda,

To sum up your issues with Leo, he does not listen to you.
He does not listen because he doesn't take your leadership

The remedy is to start enforcing your commands. When he barks at guests, say, "Thank you, now that's enough". Have him on a leash and prong collar. If he continues barking, correct him firmly until he stops. Once he learns that continued barking has an unpleasant consequence, the behavior will cease.

To have Leo come when called, you should get an electronic collar. Because of your coyote problem you have a potentially life threatening situation. Leo has been trained that your commands are unenforceable from a distance. You must retrain him that you have "magical powers" and can and will enforce your commands from anywhere. You can do this with an electronic collar. Put on the collar and when it is time for Leo to come in, call him. If he doesn't come at once, then say "NO" and give him a correction. Continue tapping the button and correcting Leo until he begins coming in your direction. Once he comes, praise him highly. A few sessions with the collar should have him coming reliably and quickly.

Good Luck!
