Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > just a thank you!!

just a thank you!!

18 17:48:56


Sorryu to bother, I know you get a lot of emails - DON'T want to waste your time, BUT I NEED to thank you and wish I could tell everyone what a great help you was!!I JUST taught Ceaser to HEEL while we were on a walk and he and I did GREAT!!we even worked in a sit and stay on our walk!! :)) and NOT to brag, BUT we did the 'down' and guess what ... WE did it!!with consistent training I see a bright future for me and him! Definitely going to learn clicker training now!!

No need to reply.just really needed to thank you!!!!
Have a fantastic day and will def return to you should I need more advice on any training!

ANSWER: I'm glad to help.  I think it's great that you're doing training with your pup.  At this age, he's like a little sponge - perfect for soaking up everything you can teach him.  Good luck with your training.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hehe he's just great!I'm thinking of setting up a agility course in my back yard seeing that I have a lot of space - I checked on google all the equipment and maybe I can fit 3 things in my yard. Any thought on which of the objects would be much more challenging for my dogs. I've got 2 jack russels (HIGH energy!!) and 1 dobermen pincher mix and another pure bred doberman pincher and a rot/lab mix.

IF you're familiar with agility training and what would benefit them all, I would SO appreciate any info.

Thank you ****

Agility would be great for your dogs, but wait until the GSD is full grown before doing any jumping with him.  The best way to learn is to find a class in your area.  Go watch and be sure the dogs looks happy and the training methods are positive.  Before you invest in equipment, try it out for a while.  Tunnels are always fun for dogs.  Jumps can be made from PVC pipe.  You can probably fashion a basic teeter board without too much investment.  Search for plans for making your own equipment.  Have fun!