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High anxiety aggression

18 17:49:05

I have taken my daughters chiwawa/yorkie 1.5 yr old male neutored dog. He has very high anxiety. He will go into flight or fight mode whenever he hears a noise-wind, door, phone,person walking in the house, ect or sees anything outside to the point of wind moving leaves in the yard. His anxiety has gotten to the point my daughter does not want him at her house since he has biten her with out drawing blood on different occations when hearing or seeing something. At my home he was calmer, but barked non stop. He has been with us for several months. Up to a few weeks ago he was allowed to lay in my bed for an hour till my husband came to bed then would be put in his crate. Until one night when my husband reached for him he went after my husband in full attack mode. It happened the next night. He is banned from our bed. He goes wild when someone is at the door, he tried to bite me twice now when trying to get him away from door so I could answer it. He is full bared teeth. He is toy and food possesive. His first year of life he was left in a crate since owners had no time for him. He does well with crate with me except for some occational barking. Have taught him he gets goodies when in crate. Made it a nice place. When you go to reach for dog at any time, he crouches down in frozen position with eyes turned sideways looking at you. I am afraid he will strike out one day when I go to pick him up. The problem is my daughters boyfriend will not get rid of him. I know what my vet will recommend him to be put down. If I do not keep him he will have to go back home. My daughter is pregnant with her first child due in Sept. I have a special needs child of my own. Is there any help for a dog like this. He is a sweet cuddly little dog but is so high anxiety that I have to honestly worry about his possible biting and serious harm he can inflict.

any advise would be welcome. I will show this responce to my daughter and her boyfriend.


Hello Betty,

I would imagine you and your family are also experiencing high anxiety from living with your dog's behavior.

The answer to your problem is to enlist the help of a qualified dog trainer/behaviorist in your area. Your dog needs immediate professional help. Either get help or get rid of the dog, especially before your daughter gives birth. You have a potentially dangerous situation.

For further insight, you may wish to read my article on dog aggression found on my website at

Good Luck!


Perfect Manners Dog Training